
美国一个色 自动化学术论坛[2021第75

发布日期:2024-12-04 19:54    点击次数:127

美国一个色 自动化学术论坛[2021第75



求教场合:信息楼自动化学院310求教厅、腾讯会议(ID: 171 337 408)

报 告 东说念主:黄彪,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学(University of Alberta)训诫

求教题目:Transfer Learning – Overview and Introduction

实质简介:With advance in computing power and multisensory technology, massive data accumulated can be processed by data-driven techniques to learn underlying driving forces and/or hidden patterns for better control of industrial processes. In order to train a data-driven model with satisfactory performance, sizable amounts of labelled data are required. However, it is often expensive, time consuming and labor-intensive to gather well-labelled data although massive data are being collected. It becomes even more demanding to collect such labelled data for an industrial plant under situations such as, when the plant has just started operation, the labels are hard to sample, or the labels are lab data that are sampled with considerable time delays. This is commonly referred to as the cold-start problem, where decisions have to be made while little or almost nothing has been known about the environment. In the context of the process industry, how to transfer the knowledge learned from some existing processes with well-labelled data into a related target process that has limited labels to establish a satisfactory model is the transfer learning. This presentation will give an overview and introduction to transfer machine from the machine learning perspective.

求教东说念主简历:黄彪,1997年于阿尔伯塔大学历程截止专科获博士学位。1983和1986年于北京航空航天大学辨认得到学士学位和硕士学位。1997年任阿尔伯塔大学化工与材料工程学院助理训诫,当今为该学院的正训诫,及油砂历程截止首席训诫。IEEE Fellow、加拿大工程院院士、加拿大化学化工学会Fellow。得到包括德国洪堡学者奖,IFAC历程截止期刊最好论文奖、APEGA超卓探究岑岭奖、加拿大Bantrel规划与工业践诺奖等。出书科研专著5部,发表300多篇SCI期刊论文。探究界限主要包括历程截止、数据贯通,机器学习、贝叶斯推理。现担任IFAC Journal Control Engineering Practice主编,Journal of the Franklin Institute的界限剪辑,以及Journal of Process Control的副编。

澡堂 偷拍



求教场合:信息楼自动化学院310求教厅、腾讯会议(ID: 171 337 408)

报 告 东说念主:张友民,加拿大康考迪亚大学(Concordia University)训诫

求教题目:Towards Safer and More Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems with Applications to

                     Smart Grids and Unmanned Systems

实质简介:Condition monitoring, fault detection and diagnosis (FDD), and fault-tolerant control (FTC) in traditional safety-critical systems, such as airplanes, nuclear power plants, chemical plants and cars etc. have been progressively and extensively investigated worldwide.Electrical microgrids with sustainable distributed power systems are essential to provide services that are optimal, reliable, cost effective, and environmentally responsible. One of key techniques for ensuring the viability and effectiveness of microgrids is to make use of advanced condition monitoring, FDD and FTC techniques at all levels of power generation, integration into grid, distribution through networks, and also the recent trend for handling cyber-attacks in such type of cyber-physical systems (CPS). In this talk, a brief overall view on the challenges and latest developments on condition monitoring, fault/attack detection and diagnosis, FTC, and fault-tolerant cooperative control (FTCC) in smart grids (with renewable wind and solar energies) and unmanned systems (with air, land, marine vehicles) are given first. Our latest research works on the above-mentioned subjects will then be introduced as examples among recently fast-developing research works in the field.

求教东说念主简历:张友民博士是加拿大康考迪亚大学机械、工业与航空工程系及康考迪亚航空规划与改进探究所终生训诫。是加拿大机械工程师学会(CSME)会士(Fellow),AIAA和IEEE高档会员。张友民训诫恒久从事截止表面与工程诓骗方面的探究与建造使命,专长于故障检测与会诊、容错截止、环境监测、以及搜救与补救等界限的探究与诓骗建造。自2013年以来屡次动作大会主席、大会协主席、大会才气委员会主席,参与并组织“无东说念主机系统外洋会议”(ICUAS)、“智能无东说念主系统外洋会议”(ICIUS)等会议。当今担任“外洋智能无东说念主系统”协会(ISIUS)主席(President)、ICUAS的实行委员会委员、ISAS的领导委员会委员。张友民训诫曾任外洋杂志“式样、自动化与系统”的创刊主编(Editor-in-Chief)并当今担任荣誉主编、担任外洋杂志“Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems”理事会成员和北好意思区域理会东说念主(Board Member of Governors and Regional Representative (North America))以及“IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks & Learning Systems”等多个杂志期刊的剪辑和编委。并担任外洋自动截止聚合会(IFAC)故障检测、监控和安全的本领历程本领委员会委员等。



求教场合:信息楼自动化学院310求教厅、腾讯会议(ID: 171 337 408)

报 告 东说念主:谢立华,新加坡南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University)训诫

求教题目:Network Localization and Formation Maneuver Control  

实质简介:Networked systems have attracted recurring research interests from the control community due to its extensive applications in civil and military areas. Most research interests on networked systems revolve around two fundamental problems, that is, localization and control, where localization serves as the underpinning of control strategies. In this talk, we discuss the distributed localization of large-scale networks with various types of measurements. A general distributed localization framework is proposed, where the local coordinate frames of different nodes have different unknown orientations. An angle-displacement rigidity theory is developed to explore algebraic condition and graph condition of network localizability and a distributed localization protocol is proposed. The proposed method unifies local-relative-measurement-based distributed localization approaches and can be applied in both generic and non-generic configurations with an unknown global coordinate frame in both 2-D and 3-D spaces. We also look into the problem of steering a group of agents to maneuver as a whole so that they can respond to environment dynamics by changing the geometric pattern, translation, orientation, and scale of the formation continuously.

求教东说念主简历:谢立华,新加坡南洋理工大学电气与电子工程学院训诫,新加坡工程院院士,IEEE、IFAC和CAA会士。探究界限包括鲁棒截止、网罗截止、定位与无东说念主系统。曾出书了9本书,480多篇期刊著述,20项专利和本领裸露。自2014年以来,他每年皆被Thomson Reuters和Clarivate Analytics 列为高被引作家。他当今是《无东说念主系统》杂志的主编和中国科学-信息科学杂志的副主编,曾是IET截止系列丛书主编,IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 等杂志的副主编。同期亦然IEEE凸起讲师(2011-2014)和IEEE截止系统学会理事(2016-2018)。

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